Field Trips
The Center for Science Teaching & Learning (CSTL) offers 6 different field trip programs. You can choose just one program, or combine multiple and make a whole day of fun-filled science! Each program lasts about an hour and can be tailored to any age group. Our programs each have a 20-person minimum. If there is a specific area of study you’d like us to focus on, please let us know!
To book a field trip, you can either email [email protected] or call us at (516) 764-0045.
Field Trip Programs

Dinosaur Museum Tour
Cost: $11 per person with 2 teachers admitted free per trip
Our dinosaur museum contains animatronic dinosaurs, skeletal dinosaurs and over 30 live animals. The theme of the museum is adaptation, and by showcasing extant animals next to extinct dinosaurs, students really start to understand why certain features seen in animals help them survive in their habitats.

Animal Show
Cost: $7 per student
In this program, students learn about animal adaptations and lifestyles in the best way possible – by meeting some live animals face to face!
NGSS Standards: LS1.A, LS1.D

Guided Nature Hike
Cost: $7 per student
We will take students on a guided hike throughout the nature preserve we are located, where they will find insects, birds and other wildlife while exploring the interactions between the plants and animals of our local ecosystem.
NGSS Standards: LS1.C, LS2.A

Life Around the Pond
Cost: $7 per student
In this program, students explore freshwater habitats of the preserve. Each student will get a chance to search for aquatic plants and animals and learn about the balance of these delicate habitats.
NGSS Standards: LS4.D, ESS3.C

Bug World
Cost: $7 per student
Get up close and personal with some of our resident bugs before we take students around the preserve to see what bugs live around us, and what makes them important.
NGSS Standards: LS4.D, ESS3.C

Fossil Discovery
Cost: $9 per student
How do scientists investigate the creatures of the ancient past? In this program, students get up close with fossils and get to dive in our dig site to make some fossil discoveries of their own.
NGSS Standards: LS4.A, SEP.7, LS1.A